

Score for Caffier: Tondichtung für Orchester (orchestral version of Posaunenkonzert) (download)


Score for Caffier: Zukunft? – Eine musikalische Farce. Für Klavier, Violoncello, Querflöte und Stimme (download)

LEAP motion for ShiVa

Depth/IR camera plugin for sensing hand and finger motions, written in C++ and Lua.


Score for Caffier/Bach: Ostermusik (download)

SteamVR for ShiVa

VR plugin written in C++ and Lua, tracks HMD and controllers.

Fabian Enders

Personal website for Fabian Enders (2015) Features based on WordPress with a modified theme showcase event calendar contact form picture gallery

KINECT2 for ShiVa

Xbox One KINECT2 (Windows 10) plugin written C++ and Lua.

ShiVa Engine (defunct)

Company website for ShiVa Technologies SAS, a 3D engine and IDE manufacturer.

New trisymphony.com design

After a couple of days work, I am proud to release the new trisymphony.com website. While I loved the old WebsiteBaker, I could not deny that development on the CMS was standing still. Over the last two years, I was forced to work with wordpress for multiple projects, so I became quite familiar with the […] New trisymphony.com design